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Although people may not travel as much (or as far) this year, the holiday season is still an incredibly busy time and can lead even the most cautious drivers into reckless or dangerous traffic situations.
The following are some of our tips for staying safe after years of assisting clients navigate personal injury and traffic cases.
Due to the unpredictability of weather during winter, it’s always a good idea to map your route and plan for possible road closures in case of a storm. Another important step is to bring your car in for a winter inspection. In addition to keeping up with normal vehicle maintenance, you may need to invest in some seasonal equipment, such as snow chains, ice scrapers, and de-icing fluid.
In the event that your car stalls or you get a flat tire on the way to your destination, make sure that you are familiar with basic road safety procedures. Move your car as far to the right shoulder as much as possible. Once you’re safely out of the direct line of traffic, stay close to your vehicle and turn on your hazard lights. If you’re in a situation where you feel you cannot safely maneuver around your vehicle to change a tire or otherwise fix the problem with your car, you can call local law enforcement to provide protection.
At Sussman Law Firm, we’re always happy to help people who have ended up on the wrong side of a traffic stop or car accident. However, we hope everyone takes the extra steps necessary to avoid these issues this winter. If you need our services, contact our office for a consultation today.
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