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Everything You Need To Know About Personal Injury Law

Everything You Need To Know About Personal Injury Law

While you may not ever think about how personal injuries should be handled in a legal sense very often, this will change as soon as you are hurt due to someone else’s negligence. When you are harmed at your place of employment, in a car accident or at a place of business and your injury could have been avoided, it’s important that you take action immediately. However, before you begin calling every attorney in the city in which you live, it’s important to know the basics about personal injury law. Continue reading below to learn more about what a personal injury attorney can do for you, should you need one.

What is personal injury law?

When you talk about personal injury, you are referring to any injury that occurs to the body, rather than damage caused to a person’s property. While the majority of the time ‘personal injury’ is a term used to describe actual physical harm, it can also include mental or emotional harm to come to someone. In order to file a personal injury lawsuit, you must be able to prove that bodily, emotional or mental harm was caused to you by another person’s negligence.

How does personal injury law work?

While there are some underlying commonalities between personal injury lawsuits, the law regarding personal injury does vary by state. However, regardless of state, personal injury lawsuits are used to return money to the pockets of the person who was caused distress or harm because of the actions or inaction of another party.

The most common kind of personal injury lawsuit occurs because of injuries people sustain during car accidents. However, there are many different kinds of situations that can result in a personal injury lawsuit. These include but are not limited to slip-and-fall accidents, product defects, medical malpractice, exposure to dangerous substances, and injuries sustained while working.

What sort of outcome could you expect?

While there are no guarantees of receiving a settlement from a personal injury lawsuit, there are certain costs your lawyer can attempt to have covered by the person you are suing. The most common types of expenses that are received back as a consequence of a personal injury are:

  • Loss of personal effects
  • Property damage
  • Past and future treatment fees
  • Past and future loss of earnings
  • Cost of medications
  • Cost of adapting one’s home

Keeping a detailed record of any sort of expense or financial loss that occurs because of your injury is imperative if you want to be reimbursed by the person you are taking to court. Without documented accounts of both losses and expenses, the court cannot award you what you are deserved.

Contact a personal injury attorney in Matthews today

If you have been injured in an accident of any kind and you are sure it could have been avoided if it wasn’t for the negligence of another party, contact Sussman Law Firm today. We can determine if you have a legitimate case and what the likelihood of you receiving a settlement is. Don’t wait too long, however. Every single minute you wait to contact an attorney could mean the difference between you getting the financial reward you deserve.

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