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What Does a Business Attorney Do & Do You Need One?

What Does a Business Attorney Do & Do You Need One?

Business law encompasses issues that may arise at all stages throughout the life of a company, from initial formation to dissolution. Businesses encounter many different milestones, and thus business lawyers handle a wide range of issues, as explained below.

Starting a Business

Choosing the right legal entity for your business is an important decision and consulting a business attorney can help you decide the best course of action. The wrong decision can be incredibly costly to fix and you may not discover the problems until years into running your company.

Corporate Governance

Even after your company is formed, the business’s corporate governance documents (bylaws, operating agreement, or partnership agreement) will need to be occasionally revised. Several occurrences may make this necessary, like a sale, merger, or adding a business partner.


Disputes often arise in business law due to breach of contract and many other reasons. When this occurs, regardless of which side of the dispute you’re on, it’s best to have an experienced business attorney review the facts of your case and advise you on how to proceed.

If you’re a business owner in North Carolina and you have questions or think you might need the help of an experienced business lawyer, give our office a call.

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