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What Not to Post on Social Media During a Divorce

What Not to Post on Social Media During a Divorce

Divorce is a complicated process for all parties. Discussing your grievances with close family and friends is one thing, but venting on social media to hundreds of followers can be detrimental to your case.

No matter what stage you are at in the divorce process, protect your case by using discretion on social media by following the guidelines below.

1) Don’t Flaunt Your Shopping

Money is frequently the most contentious issue in a divorce, particularly if child support or spousal support may be required by either side. If you are contesting or seeking spousal support, sharing posts about your vacations or photos of your new vehicle can be used against you.

2) Don’t Harass Your Ex

Parting ways amicably can be challenging, but many former spouses may continue to follow their exes on social media.  Even if you choose not to, your friends may stay in touch with your ex. Assuming you have the smallest possible follower count, filter your content with the knowledge that once you post something on the internet, it is no longer private.

Whether you are sending a private message or posting it to your whole friends list, resist the urge to say something nasty about your former spouse. Consider whether you would stand by your comment or post if it was used against you in court later. Not only may your ex’s allies be watching, but your ex’s attorney is also probably keeping an eye on your social media feed.

3) Don’t Post Content that Calls Your Parenting Into Question

If there are children involved in your divorce, you are best served by refraining from posting content of alcohol, partying, or drugs. These posts may be used against you in a future custody battle. In particularly nasty custody battles, posting any content about your children can put you at risk. Best practice is to also have a conversation with your current significant other regarding these types of posts. If your new boyfriend or girlfriend are around your children for any amount of time, their posts matter too.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as offering legal advice, or creating an attorney-client relationship between the reader and the attorney. You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content on this site without seeking appropriate legal advice about your individual facts and circumstances from an attorney licensed in your state. 

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