
Charlotte Family Immigration Visa Process

A law firm you can rely on to empower you.

Immigrating to the United States is an important decision for any person. You have to take time to fully understand the costs that will result from your choice to leave your home country and whether you can accept those sacrifices. Certainly, one of them, and perhaps the most significant is your connection with your family. You may be worried that you have to leave them behind.

Not to worry, because your family may be able to immigrate with you in most situations. It is a lengthy process and requires a lot of paperwork. If you are wondering if your family could join you in the United States, a lawyer experienced with the Charlotte family immigration visa process could provide you with guidance and advice. The team at the Sussman Law Firm is ready to help you and your family.

Eligible Family Members

Citizens and Green Card holders are also called legal permanent residents (LPR) of the United States and may sponsor a visa for their family members to join them in the country. There are two types of visas with different restrictions, and the one that your family member will require depends on the closeness of the familial relationship with you.

The first and most straightforward is an immediate relative visa for your spouse, parents, and unmarried children under the age of 21. Other than the relationship, there are no limitations on these visas.

Then there is a family preference visa, which is for specific but more distant relationships such as siblings but also includes adult children or children who are married and not eligible for an immediate family visa. United States law places a strict limit on the number of these visas the country may issue in a year.

This is important to remember, because even if you go through the procedure and get approval, your relative may not be able to join you in Charlotte until the next year. A knowledgeable lawyer could help you understand which visa your family could be eligible for and guide you through the process.

Steps to Obtaining a Visa for Your Family

Once you have figured out the appropriate type of visa, you can begin the process by submitting a petition to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Keep in mind that citizens can file a petition for their spouse, children, parents, and brothers and sisters, but green card holders may only file a petition for their spouse, sons, and daughters as long as they are not married.

After the USCIS approves the petition, the National Visa Center creates your case in its system, where you can pay the fees and submit supporting documentation, which includes an affidavit of support and evidence of your financial standings. After paying the fees, you and each of your family members must complete the Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration.

It may seem counterintuitive, but submitting this application does not formally apply for the visas, this is done after the next step, which is an interview with a United States consular officer. You and each of your family members must complete a medical examination prior to the interview, where the officer will determine if your family is eligible to receive an immigrant visa.

There are several steps needed when applying for a visa for your family to come to Charlotte, and it can sometimes feel overwhelming. A dedicated lawyer could help you gather the necessary documents and prepare you for the interview.

Contact a Charlotte Immigration Attorney for Guidance

The Charlotte family immigration visa process is long and has some complex rules. It can be easy to make a small mistake in the application or forget to submit an important document, which could cause delays.

Our team could help you prepare the forms and documents for smooth progress. If you believe your family is eligible for a visa to join you in the United States, call today to talk to a lawyer.

Charlotte Family & Divorce Lawyers and Immigration Attorneys

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