Charlotte Spousal Support Lawyer

A law firm you can rely on to empower you.
Charlotte Spousal Support Lawyer

Spousal support comes in two forms, alimony and post separation support.  Alimony is long-term spousal support that is meant to attempt to keep the supported spouse’s lifestyle during the marriage the same as much as possible.  Post separation support is temporary support and is only in place until alimony is set or denied.  The courts can exercise discretion, but will generally consider the length of the marriage, the employment history and earning potential of you and your spouse, and any existing marital agreements between parties.

Marital misconduct can come into play with spousal support as to raise, lower, or be a bar to any spousal support.  It is vital to raise these defenses or factors to ensure the spousal support award is proper.

Clients often ask how much they will be required to pay or expect to receive in spousal support.  Unlike child support, spousal support is very discretionary to the courts and a lot more factors are taken into consideration.  It is difficult to advise on a precise amount for spousal support, but depending on the Judge, our attorneys will be able to give you an estimate.

Our experienced family attorneys are ready to meet with you and evaluate your case to give you a better understanding of what to expect in terms of how much and for how long spousal support may be appropriate.  Working with our attorneys can help you reach a fair agreement with the other party.

While it’s always ideal to settle any spousal support issues outside the courtroom, our attorneys are ready to advocate for your rights in court.  Call Sussman Law Firm, PLLC to set up a consultation with our qualified attorneys. En Español

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