
Charlotte Visitation Lawyer

A law firm you can rely on to empower you.

Relationships between co-parents can be complex, especially when they do not see eye-to-eye on questions of custody. That said, state law provides parents who are not awarded primary custody with the opportunity to have visits with their child. These visits could be a matter of hours or for several weeks over summer break.

If you are in a custody dispute, you could benefit from a discussion with a Charlotte visitation lawyer. Your legal counsel could play an important role in securing a relationship with your minor child. Let a compassionate family attorney from our firm advise you of your options.

Visitation and Non-Custodial Parents

There is no guarantee that a non-custodial parent will have the right to visitation with their child. The courts will usually attempt to use these visits to foster a relationship between the child and the parent who lacks custody rights, but that is not always the case.

There are situations where the judge might refuse to award a parent any access to their children. In other cases, they might only allow supervised visits where a third party is there to observe. Different factors could lead a judge to take this course of action, including the following:

  • History of drug or alcohol abuse
  • Allegations of physical abuse
  • Claims of sexual abuse

As long as these factors are not present, a non-custodial parent is entitled to visits on alternating weekends. Outside of this, an agreement or court order is necessary. If both parties are on the same page, this is a formality. When conflicts arise, issues involving visitation typically come down to a decision by the judge. Both sides will have their opportunity to make a case for what is best for the child involved. Having a Charlotte attorney to help navigate the process of determining visitation often results in a better outcome.

Best Interest of the Child

When judges decide on visitation, their guiding principle is the child’s best interests. The court must put their needs first, above the preferences of either parent. This legal standard involves many different individual factors, including:

  • Age of the child
  • History of abuse
  • Health of each party
  • Financial resources of each parent
  • Housing arrangements of both parents

While there are many different factors for the court to consider, the final decision is in the hands of the family court judge. A Charlotte visitation attorney could make the case during a hearing for a parent to have extensive access to their children.

Rights for Grandparents

Parents are not the only adults that frequently play an important role in a child’s life. Often, grandparents develop a bond with these children, frequently stepping into parental roles when necessary.

Grandparents do not enjoy the same custody rights as parents. However, there are some limited situations where they could be eligible to petition the court for visitation. This can happen during divorce proceedings in some cases.

It is also worth noting that a grandparent might be able to petition the court for these rights when a stepparent or other relative adopts a minor child. To be eligible, they must show a significant prior relationship with the child.

Let a Visitation Attorney in Charlotte Help

If you believe you are entitled to develop a relationship with a child in your life, now is the time to seek legal representation. This process can be difficult on your own, but help is available. Contact a Charlotte visitation lawyer from the Sussman Law Firm, PLLC today.

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